Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cool links

Well it is about 3pm right now and for the past few hours I have been cleaning and rearranging things around in my house. My dear in-laws have left this morning to go back to Turkey and I feel like by doing all the cleaning-and- putting- away- things I am embracing on to my duties of the sole woman of the house. For the longest time, more then 2 month, my mother-in-law has been cooking and keeping my kitchen perfectly clean. Now after being taken care of I will go back to cooking. It will be very light cooking since we all have gained a lot of weight and need to shed a lot of pounds. So I hope I will start posting new recipes and nice pictures. In the meantime I would like to share a few links I have liked this past week.
This one is totally fun. Slow the video down and learn a lot.
This one is especially for my dear sister Alina, who has moved into her own apartment recently. I know you love Jammie, Alina, so here are some new videos from him. Check the others on the right.
This video is very curious. I am happy to live in 21st century. Don't you?
And here is some more history... of Europe
Have a great week-end